Left: human stem cells. Credit: Ping Wu, M.D., Ph.D. University of Texas.
Right: Tycho supernova remnant. NASA/CXC/Rutgers/J. Warren & J. Hughes et al. Chandra observatory. (first observed in 1572 is the remnant of a supernova located about 8,000-9,800 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia the Queen.)
The supernova is approximately 10 trillion trillion times larger than the cells, or 1025 times.
In 1986, Hannes Alfvén first suggested that electrified plasma might be scalar.
Bioplasma – Energy which makes us move
The impact of bioplasma on the human energy system
We commonly experience matter in three different conditions: solid, liquid and gaseous. Physicists are aware of a fourth: plasma. Simply put, plasma is a gas whose atoms are partly stimulated or ionized.
In an atom, the atomic nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which can be seen as a kind of wrapping or shell of the atom. In the plasma the electrons of the atomic nucleus can move into higher orbits. These higher orbits comply with a higher level of energy of the atom. This energy, loaded from the outside in form of light particles or photons, which are captured by the atom in its atomic nucleus by electrons taking the light energy and moving into higher orbits. This is a so-called stimulated condition. By this, the atom disposes of a reserve of energy and maintains its basic stable state. Possibly, so much light energy is absorbed that an electron leaves the atomic nucleus. In this case, we talk about an ionized atom, since free ionic charge carriers begin to develop. The electron contains a negative electrical charge unit and leaves a positively charged ionized atom. This stimulated state of plasma, in which atoms can be stimulated or even ionized, appears not only in gaseous matter, but was noticed there first.
However, modern physics can now detect states of plasma in liquid and solid forms of matter. With regard to the cells of a living organism we talk about bioplasma. Biophotons, say parts of light saved in an organism, are indicated as bioplasma. We also talk about saved electro-magnetic energy.
Thus, atoms and molecules of a cell can absorb light energy and put it in a kind of intermediate storage and make it available for biochemical processes of metabolism. Without bioplasma, a cell would be nonviable, since chemical processes would be out of control. This would lead to immediate breakdown and the cell’s death.
It is interesting how the form of biomolecules allows to receive and send biophotons. The multi-spiral arrangement of the DNA-molecule, for example, is a perfect receiving aerial for biophotons. Moreover, the cell membrane has the function of a cavity resonator. The cell membrane amplifies the electromagnetic field, which is constructed by the presence of biophotons in the cell. It is like a guitar. If you tried to play a guitar without the guitar’s body, you’d create a very low tone only. By the guitar’s cavity resonator, the tone will be intensified. Biophotons and cells of an organism work in the same manner, whereas the DNA-molecule can be seen as “string” which is stimulated by the biophotons to swing. Therefore, the electro-magnetic oscillation energy in the form of bioplasma in a cell is seen as an indicator for its vitality.
Bioplasma stored in the organism in form of biophotons and electromagnetic energy respectively, causes the self organisation of metabolic processes. Processes in the cells caused by illness and age come along with a subsidence in bioplasma concentration. Healthiness and potential output are in correlation to the amount of bioplasma to be saved in and to be offered to the human organism respectively. Hence, methods to increase the concentration of bioplasma in the organism and its surrounding are of particular interest.
© 2015 – Frank W. Fischer, D-94469 Deggendorf
Bioplasma – the degree of cell’s vitality and whole life
Modern people get more and more acquainted with these interrelations, at least intuitively. For example, more and more people are increasing their awareness of personal nutritional habits. Naturally kept food dispose of a veritably much higher concentration of biophotons than denatured and processed food. Well-known is the proverb stating the constitutional effect of fruits: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Fruits are not only rich in vitamins, but also in bioplasma, as long as the fruits are fresh. Of same importance is to get sufficient fresh air. From an energetic point of view this is clear, since humans then breath in more fresh air containing light energy in its molecules.
Light energy also exists in different kinds of scales and qualities. Just think of the difference between normal light and laser light. Laser light oscillates in absolutely coherent uniformity. Therefore, energy of coherent light can be bunched stronger and use more target-oriented than non-coherent “usual” light. A relatively weak coherent laser beam can reach the moon without any problem and, from there, can be reflected back to earth. A ordinary beam of light would diverge before it had only covered a thousandth of the distance to the moon.
There are very effective possibilities to positively influence the quality of light energy and bioplasma in our daily environment. Dialite with its special combination of highly effective ingredients such as ammolite and other gemstones has the ability to clearly raise and harmonize the ranking and the degree of efficiency of biophotons concentrated in the surrounded area. This happens across a wide frequency range, whereas all bio-energetic relevant frequencies are harmonized equally, by contrast to the technical laser, where only one certain light frequency is amplified.
Thus, the field of biophotons in the environment of Dialite is transferred to a higher ranking to the benefit of the organisms existing there. By using suitable resonators, equipped with Dialite, people’s bioplasma energy can be raised. This can be achieved indirectly by inhaling the bioplasma contained in the air which as been enriched by a resonator like a Dialite object or, directly, by applying suitable resonators on the body, equipped with dialite. Even beverages can be enhanced by getting in contact with bioplasma. This will increase the pleasure while drinking as well as the positive effect on the organism.
© 2015 – Frank W. Fischer, D-94469 Deggendorf
Ammolite Energy Explained as Lithotherapy
Many healing and spiritual communities around the world have discovered the ancient power -or- energy of Ammonite and indeed the whole Bearpaw Ammonite. Reiki and Feng Shui masters and necromancers, druids, diviners and directed energy proponents all sense a potent force.