Working exclusively with the Ammonite of the Bearpaw Formation, Alberta, Canada since 1991.
FOR SALE (all prices are wholesale in USD)
We have repaired, restored and polished well over 2000 bearpaw ammonites in our 30 years of operation – here are a few.
At ammonite.com we have cut and polished well over 10,000 Ammolite Free-form Naturals and here we offer a visual feast of some of the best.
Fossil sculpture, gemstone paintings and many other artistic interpretations & manifestations of the ammonite.
The ammonite has excited the imagination of man since consciousness began becoming the first universally understood symbol.
Alberta Ammonite Appraisers appraises the Bearpaw Ammonite in it’s many forms for Tax, Insurance or other valuation purposes.
Investment Opportunities exist for companies or qualified individuals to participate in the Alberta Ammonite industry through a private placement .
The Bearpaw Ammonite and it’s gemstone shell Ammolite is embued with subtle energetic forces…
The human journey has seen that what begins in the mind often can become reality with the assistance of technology, experiment & imagination.
Now everyone can become an Alberta Ammonite Ambassador and show your support for this unique resource found only in Alberta, Canada.
Ammolite is a unique gemstone that is graded according to the number of colors, chromatic shift, rotational range and iridescence.